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Export Compliance Statement

Policy Statement
Photonic Science operates within an increasingly global market, and our success depends in part on the business we do overseas.

Export controls imposed by the UK government affect a small number of our products and overseas markets. We must understand the controls and ensure we comply with them.

The purpose of these controls is to limit the supply of technology or strategic goods to countries proscribed. This is for reasons of proliferation, security, or terrorism. It is in the interest of us all that the controls are effective if it makes the world a safer place.

Photonic Science must comply with the legislation. Failure to do so would bring serious penalties for the company and for the individuals concerned.

The Managing Director is the person with overall responsibility within the company for export control matters, assisted by the Sales Manager and Sales Administration.

Together, with the assistance of the Quality Manager, they will review the effectiveness of our current procedures. This is in light of the Export Control Joint Unit’s code of practice. Each of us must be aware of our own role. We must not despatch any items without due clearance and authorisation.

This includes:

  • Transmission of software or technology by any electronic means.
  • Arranging movement of goods between third countries.

Further information can be found in our Export Control Policy on how export controls affect an individual’s position.

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22 Theaklen Drive,
Saint Leonards-on-sea,
TN38 9AZ,
United Kingdom

+44 (0)1424 444883