Photonic Science New InGaAs SWIR VGA and ¼ VGA Cameras
11th Jan, 2019
Photonic Science InGaAs SWIR cameras are now available in two resolutions, VGA and ¼ VGA. The VGA 640 x 512 SWIR camera with a spectral response of 900 – 1700 nm features 15 µm pixels, 174 fps at full resolution, QE 80% @ 1100 nm and with a choice of both camera link and GigE interfaces. The ¼ VGA 320 x 256 SWIR camera with a spectral response of 900 – 1700 nm and available with an extended response up to 2100 nm features 30 µm pixels, 110 fps at full resolution, QE >70% and with a choice of both camera link and GigE interfaces. Both cameras are available as either passively cooled or for applications that require longer exposure times water cooled, which greatly reduces the dark current. These cameras are perfect for a range of applications including; semiconductor and solar cell inspection, small animal imaging, haze penetration, airborne payloads and laser beam detection and profiling.