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X-ray sCMOS 16MP Detector (Cooled)

Photonic Science high resolution X-ray imaging detector incorporates the latest, state-of-the-art sCMOS technology providing ultra-low read noise, making it the ideal solution for even the most demanding applications.

The 16MP sensor is coupled with a fibre optic plate with active areas up to 66.5mm square. This, combined with a scintillator optimised to suit the x-ray energy of interest, provides a high sensitivity and high resolution system.

This camera can be supplied either air or water cooled. The X-ray sCMOS detector delivers up to 4.5 fps full resolution and 18 fps in 2×2 binning mode with a 1GigE interface or 20 fps full resolution and 80 fps in 2×2 binning mode with a 5GigE interface.


Resolution 4096 x 4096
Input Size (mm) 36.9 x 36.9
Effective Pixel Size (μm) 9 x 9
Dynamic Range 13,000:1 (in HDR mode)
Frame Rate 1GigE: 4.5 fps at full resolution, 18 fps in binning 2x2, 5GigE: 20 fps at full resolution, 80 fps in binning 2x2
Full Well Capacity 64,000 electrons in binning 1x1, 130,000 electrons in binning 2x2
Read Out Noise <5.5 electrons rms in binning 1x1, <11 electrons rms in binning 2x2
Dark Current <1 electron/pixel/second air cooled [**], <0.1 electron/pixel/second water cooled
Sensor Temperature (°C) Typically 35°C (air cooled) and 45°C (water cooled) below ambient
Digitization 12/16-bit
Exposure 50 microseconds up to 60 minutes
Line Spread Function (FWHM) [***] 32μm (Gadox:Tb), 45μm (Structured CsI)
Detector Interface 1 GigE or 5 GigE
Energy Range [****] 3keV-100keV with Gadox:Tb / 20keV-300keV with CsI
Other Notes [**] 1.5 electrons/pix/sec for 5 GigE camera, [***] Other resolution optimised scintillators are available on request, [****] This is light exclusion window dependent. A range of options are available.
Resolution 4096 x 4096
Input Size (mm) 66.5 x 66.5
Effective Pixel Size (μm) 16.4 x 16.4
Dynamic Range 13,000:1 (in HDR mode)
Frame Rate 1GigE: 4.5 fps at full resolution, 18 fps in binning 2x2, 5GigE: 20 fps at full resolution, 80 fps in binning 2x2
Full Well Capacity 64,000 electrons in binning 1x1, 130,000 electrons in binning 2x2
Read Out Noise <5.5 electrons rms in binning 1x1, <11 electrons rms in binning 2x2
Dark Current <1 electron/pixel/second air cooled [**], <0.1 electron/pixel/second water cooled
Sensor Temperature (°C) Typically 35°C (air cooled) and 45°C (water cooled) below ambient
Digitization 12/16-bit
Exposure 50 microseconds up to 60 minutes
Line Spread Function (FWHM) [***] 75μm (Gadox:Tb), 75μm (Structured CsI)
Detector Interface 1 GigE or 5 GigE
Energy Range [****] 3keV-100keV with Gadox:Tb / 20keV-300keV with CsI
Other Notes [**] 1.5 electrons/pix/sec for 5 GigE camera, [***] Other resolution optimised scintillators are available on request, [****] This is light exclusion window dependent. A range of options are available.

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22 Theaklen Drive,
Saint Leonards-on-sea,
TN38 9AZ,
United Kingdom

+44 (0)1424 444883