The Next Generation Laue System
Laue single-crystal orientation systems are crucial for crystal cutting, polishing, preparation for large facility experiments and many industrial applications such as turbine blade manufacturing. Key performance of these systems is measured by the accuracy of the alignment, cycle time and ease of use of Laue software.
Our system combines several key innovations to deliver the next generation of Laue single-crystal orientation. A high-resolution, high-sensitivity and robust X-ray CCD camera has an unbeaten active area for measuring Laue diffraction spots. A custom air-cooled X-ray beam solution eliminates the need for a water chiller while delivering a high-brilliance X-ray beam with a spot size of 450 µm for a standard system.
A dedicated software suite allows users to drive the stages, X-ray source, camera, and perform Laue analysis. The Laue analysis tool is crucial for speeding up the orientation of single crystals with automatic peak indexing, making it a truly user-friendly and efficient tool.
This combination of high detector resolution, bright diffraction peaks and small spot size leads to a typical exposure time of 1-3 seconds with an accuracy of 0.1 degrees for a Si reference sample. The result is a fast and accurate Laue single-crystal orientation tool designed with ease of use in mind, delivering the next generation of Laue single-crystal orientation systems.
Key Features
- Available in Vertical, Horizontal, and Grain Map configurations
- Plug-n-Play compact cabinet system - no customised bench or additional services required
- Fully automated and motorised XYZ Stages and Goniometer, with manual options available
- CCD back reflection, high-resolution, high-sensitivity X-ray detector
- Air-cooled X-ray source – no water chiller necessary
- Small beam size of 450 µm standard and 250 µm with fine focus
- Fast and precise alignment of small crystals with on-board high-resolution viewing camera
- Distance measurement tool for precise and reproducible sample positioning for vertical configuration
- Dedicated Laue Software for full control, data acquisition, processing and analysis
- High-throughput sample screening options
Vertical Laue Configuration
The most flexible configuration, the Vertical Laue system uses a vertical beam path for high throughput scanning of multiple crystals in isolation or multiple areas of interest. Using gravity, samples do not need to be adhered to the platform, allowing for easier mounting, and orienting of crystals. With a <450µm beam size both sub-millimetric range samples and larger components like turbine alloys are accommodated.

Horizontal Laue Configuration
The Laue System is also available with a traditional horizontal geometry. A horizontal Laue System is well suited to orient the crystal for cutting or to quickly scan the crystal to identify reflections. This configuration is typically suited by those doing crystal cutting, who want the geometry of the Laue experiment to match the cutter.

Grain Map Configuration
A vertical system featuring a special camera, lens, illumination, and mapping software to measure the orientation of each grain. Grain Map includes a fully motorised XYZ Stage Goniometer and fine focus optics as standard, and is ideal for grain mapping silicon wafers.

Large Active Area | 155 mm x 105 mm |
High Resolution | 2,570 x 1,710 pixels |
Input Pixel Size | 61 µm x 61 µm |
Spot Size | 450 µm standard, 250 µm fine focus |
Energy Range | 5 to 29 keV |
Source | 50W |
Manual Option | Manual XYZ Stage and Goniometer |
Motorised Option | Motorised XYZ Stage and Goniometer |
No Goniometer Option | Motorised XYZ Stage - NO Goniometer |
Fine Focus Option | Vertical Configuration only |
Customised Solution | Fully customisable systems are available |
What our Clients Say
“ The Photonic Science Laue is our system of choice as we have found it very dependable. Beyond the accuracy and reliability, the major feature is the convenience and speed of the system... it runs off a normal wall plug and quickly boots up to check your crystals immediately. It really is the best value that I have found on the market, with the complete kit delivered onsite with an installation video - you set it up and, in an hour or two, you are ready to go. ” Gavin Hester, PhD Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics, Brock University.
“The Laue Crystal Orientation System exceeded my expectations, providing an excellent solution for aligning small samples with motorized rotations. The installation process was smooth, and I appreciated the team's customizations to the sample height motors and software, as well as their attention to local safety rules.Overall, it's the best commercial system for Laue diffraction, with a knowledgeable and accommodating support team.” Mark Dean, Brookhaven National Laboratory.
If you would like to learn more about our Laue Crystal Orientation System, simply contact a member of the Photonics Science team today.